As a marketer, being aware of various content marketing stats can go a long way in positively influencing your business.
It is for this reason, that we will be looking at 50 content marketing stats to know in 2020. Without any further ado, let’s go!
Branded Content
- 90% of consumers prefer custom content. Source: Time Inc
- 59% higher recall for branded content. Source: Forbes
- 89% of people believe custom content helps brands break through the clutter. Source: Time Inc.
- 7% more likely content is viewed as educational when aided by branding. Source: Forbes
- 2 in 3 consumers trust custom content ahead of traditional advertising. Source: Time Inc.
- 14% more likely that consumers seek additional content after a branded exposure. Source: Forbes
Video Content
- 293 is the average number of videos in asset libraries for enterprise brands. Source: Vidyard
- 5x greater dwell time for video content compared to static. Source: Facebook IQ
- 18 is the average number of videos enterprise brands post per month. Source: Vidyard
- 43% of videos on Facebook come from users sharing what they see. Source: Simply Measure Creative
- 85% of brands now have internal resources dedicated to video production. Source: Vidyard
- 60% of employees want to spend less time responding to ad hoc collaboration. Source: The Workflow Experts
- 56% of videos are now less than 2 minutes long. Source: Vidyard
- 7% of marketers said producing engaging visuals was their biggest challenge. Source: KEO Marketing
- 59% of all videos are explainer videos, which is the most common video format for brands. Source: Vidyard
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- 97% of companies believe project management is critical to business performance. Source: Wrike
- 86% of creatives spend more than four hours per week on non-revenue generating tasks. Source: The Workflow Experts
- Purchasing rights to photos from a photographer increase production costs by an additional 50% -100%. Source: Peta Pixel
- 70% of a creative’s time is spent in meetings, sending e-mails, or managing other requests. Source: The Workflow Experts
- Two-thirds of marketers would like to reduce their dependence on agencies to support their work. Source: Gartner
- $15,000 is the average estimated cost of a medium-sized brand’s photoshoot for 5 ready to use photos and exclusive rights usage. Source: Adam Lowe Creative
Content Management
- $189,000: the amount of savings over five years for businesses using a DAM. Source: The Geeky Globe
- 5x longer is how much additional time it takes to find assets without a DAM vs. with one. Source: Gleansight
- $1000: average cost of replacing a single lost asset. Source: The Geeky Globe
Content Budgets
- Marketing technology now accounts for 27% of the marketing budget. CMOS has started to outspend CIOs on technology. Source: Gartner
- 50% of marketers rank their content strategy as moderately successful. Source: Content Marketing Institute
- Only 23% of marketers rank their content strategy as very successful. Source: Content Marketing Institute.
- 37% of marketers expect their content marketing budget to increase in 2020. Source: Content Marketing Institute.
- CMOS allocate 9.2% of their total marketing expense budget towards marketing analytics. This is the matching category with the greatest redundancy and abandonment. Source: Gartner
- 72% of marketers say content creation contributes to the success of their content marketing strategy. Source: Content Marketing Institute
- 26% – just over ¼ – is the average amount of marketing budget that successful marketers plan to spend on content marketing in 2020. Source: Content Marketing Institute
Freelance Economy
- One-third of American office workers have a second job. Source: Forbes
- 55 million freelancers live in America. Source: Fast Company
- 50% of the US workforce will be freelancers by 2020. Source: Forbes
Mobile Consumer Behaviors
- 5s is the average time a user consumes a piece of content on FB desktop. Source: Facebook IQ
- 150 times is how often people look at their phones on a given day. Source: KCPB
- 7s is the average time a user consumes a piece of content on FB mobile. Source: Facebook IQ
- 50 minutes per day is the average amount of time people spend on all Facebook apps. Source: Business Insider
- 300ft is the average amount of thumb scrolling people do on Facebook every day. This is equivalent to the height of the Statue of Liberty. Source: Facebook IQ
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- 90% of the time on mobile is spent on apps. Source: Smart Insights
- 73% of people say their mobile is always with them. Source: Facebook IQ
- American children 8 and under reportedly spend 48 minutes per day on mobile devices. An estimated 42% of kids have their own mobile devices. Source: Common Sense Media
- Mobile commerce sales are expected to hit $149 billion by 2020. Source: Facebook IQ
- 45% of all shopping journeys contain an action on mobile. Source: Facebook IQ
Seasonal Marketing
- 41% of adults begin their holiday shopping during the month of October. Source: National Retail Federation
- $335.47 is the average amount of money spent by American consumers over the 5-day holiday shopping period from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday. Source: National Retail Federation
- 49% of shoppers do online research before making gift purchases. Source: National Retail Federation
- 90% of Americans celebrate a holiday during the winter season. Source: National Retail Federation
- From Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday, more than 174 million Americans shopped in stores and online during the five-day holiday weekend. Source: National Retail Federation
- Back to College is the largest spending period for Americans, outweighing Christmas with an average of $969 spent per person in 2020. Source: National Retail Federation
While you are planning and strategizing as a marketer whether you are in a small-to-midsize company or an enterprise company, it is critical to understand trends and content marketing stats such as these. Knowing the behaviors of mobile consumers and how to leverage the freelance economy can be helpful in creating, optimizing, and distributing.