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Why Using Multiple Vendors Is Advantageous for Email Marketing

One of the biggest tools in the marketing toolbox for business is the email. It’s the quickest and most direct way to reach your audience as mass snail mail marketing costs more and takes time to reach an audience. For those companies that send a voluminous amount of email on a daily basis, a trusted delivery vendor is paramount to the process.

There are certain advantages to establishing a trusted partnership with a single delivery vendor. But, there are probable pitfalls inherent in using a single delivery vendor, the quality is locked-in when you commit to using them. For instance, if you go with a vendor who specializes in high-quality output, you’ll be priced at that level for every email you send with them. This can drive up the average cost per email to troublesome levels if a majority of your emails don’t warrant such service. Downtime happens to every vendor and if you’re locked in with one, all of your outgoing emails will be affected by this.

Using a multiple-delivery vendor can help your return on investment (ROI) and help cut costs on a per-email basis. You’re also covered if one of the vendors has downtime as the other vendors used in the multiple-delivery process will still be active. If your business needs a high-quality multiple-delivery vendor for your email marketing, this whitepaper by Ongage could be helpful in your strategy.