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What Is Embedded Analytics

According to the market research firm IDC, the worldwide big data and analytics market will experience massive and exponential growth through 2020.

Companies need to leverage the insights from data analytics to take better and informed decisions. This need for more in-depth insights, data integration, and greater access to analysis has given rise to embedded analytics.

Embedded analytics is a specialized application of a long-established field known as data analytics and business intelligence. Such analytics form a somewhat critical part of a product offering, and thus, they need to embed the right analytics platform within their websites and business applications.

Done right, embedded analytics facilitates better-informed decision and strategy making and better-aligned partners and vendors. It also allows Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to reach new markets, create new revenue streams, enhance customer loyalty, and improve competitive advantage.

Here is a whitepaper that details what embedded analytics is and its applications and implications.