How Airlines Use Data to Boost Customer Loyalty
Hi! My name is Jim.
I’m the marketing director for a large Airline company and I’ve decided to share our secret about how we use data to boost customer loyalty. Since the rise of social media, one bad act a company does, no matter how small, becomes known by everyone around the world. United Airlines found this out the hard way in 2017 and as a result, their sales shortly fell.
To avoid customer dissatisfaction and to help boost loyalty, many organizations have begun to use data to boost customer engagement and improve experiences. Let’s take a look at how you too can improve your bottom line while boosting customer loyalty.
More Personal Experiences
Building strong relationships with your customers is essential to the success of your business and data can help you build these types of relationships. I use data to understand the general travel patterns of my customers to help me identify tactics that I can use to make their experiences feel more personal.
Deeper Relationships
To help improve the relationship my customers have with the airline, I use data to look beyond basic booking and travel information. I also seek out opportunities to interact with my customers at every part of their travel experience to ensure that their needs are met and their journey is as simple and pleasant as possible.
Most mobile devices today are capable of providing customers with in-flight entertainment, but only if our airline provides customers with an in-flight wireless network. Since digital entertainment is widely available, and it’s much cheaper for customers to use their own devices than for our airline to provide back of seat screens, it’s essential that I provide customers with an accessible wireless network for their trip.
Many airlines today are struggling to compete but focusing on creating a greater customer experience can be a key differentiator between their airline and their competitors. If you’re looking to compete in your own sector, it’s important to remember that boosting customer loyalty is the best way to achieve business success.
If you want to learn more about how airlines use data to boost customer loyalty, click the link below for more information.