What the Role of IT Looks Like in a Modern BI World
For the last few decades, IT professionals have leveraged BI infrastructures to develop dashboards and reporting mechanisms that were once seen as time-consuming and a point of frustration.
Today, the traditional BI approach to meeting business demands is no longer a viable option as businesses demand more agility and responsiveness. This drives adoption and pushes the need to create a new overall strategy and framework.
As a result, this means that the older approach to BI self-service as well as some of its core components such as Process, People, and Platform will need to be reconsidered to effectively support the transition from a top-down model to a more business-driven, self-service modernized BI model.
Let’s take a closer look at these three core foundational components.
- The first component is the People.
People are the key to successfully transitioning to a self-service analytics model. Without active feedback and engagement from human users on your team, there are greater opportunities for failure which may eventually cause users to disengage with the entire BI program altogether.
- The second component is the Process.
Self-service analytics allows for the freedom to access secure and trusted data which helps to create greater agility and autonomy for end users.
- The final core foundational component is the Platform.
A modernized platform must be able to meet the needs of a variety of personas and effectively meet the needs of exponential data volume and its complexity. When combined with a BI self-service model, analytics collaboration helps to bring ideas, processes, and people together and allows stakeholders to analyze both historical and current data and focus on more actionable insights.
If you want to find out more about how IT will look in the modern world of BI, click the link below for more information.