What If Defenders Could See the Future?
As a technology executive in your company, it is essential that you try to foresee and prevent any potential cybersecurity threats that could attack your business. Being the defender of your company is an extremely important responsibility. You are the first line of defense against cybersecurity threats that could cripple your company, and you’re the go-to person if something goes down.
According to Cisco’s 2018 annual report, defenders can see what might be on the horizon for a company when it comes to cybersecurity. They can also point out that there are many obvious clues to understand what is out there that you, as a defender, should see. If you don’t know about any of the obvious clues that can help to explain why your company might be attacked soon, this report is an excellent place to start.
Cisco’s 2018 Security Capabilities Benchmark Study outlines many recommendations they have for defenders to be better equipped at protecting their company from cybersecurity threats. This whitepaper will help you to learn the most effective ways to defend your company.