Within the methodology of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP or IP telephony), the Session Initiation Protocol, or SIP, is an application-level signaling protocol used for setting up, maintaining, modifying, and terminating real-time sessions that involve audio, video, instant messaging and other communications services and applications with participants between two or more endpoints on IP networks.
When initiating and terminating real-time multimedia sessions, the Session Initiation Protocol takes five attributes into account: the location of uses, the availability of uses, the capabilities of users, the setting up of sessions, and the management of sessions. The network elements that use the Session Initiation Protocol include the user agent client (UAC), user agent server (UAS), the proxy server, the registrar, the redirect server, the session border controller, and the gateway.
This whitepaper points out that many have been led to believe the lie that migrating to Session Initiation Protocol is difficult and expensive. This paper busts that barrier myth and explains that is, in fact, easy and cost-effective to transfer. If you are an executive looking to move your business from your outdated, antiquated, and unwieldy legacy infrastructure to the modern, updated communications solution of the Sessions Initiation Protocol, you should download and read this white paper to find out how easy it is.
Your company may be stuck on an ancient legacy system that is hindering you from full operational efficiency in communications and collaboration, keeping your employees from global and consistent transmission of information, and worst of all, preventing your customers from on-demand retrieval of your products, services, and support. Instead of your organization being held up by the obstacle of outdated telephony in an era of technological expansion, make the transition to IP-enabled communications services that will help your business to grow.