Taking on Audits and Control in Enterprise Software
Hi! My name is Jane.
As an IT manager, I understand how complicated governance, compliance, control, and audit practices can be which is why adopting a new approach to audit and control in enterprise software can help.
The old approach to audit and control in enterprise software came with a number of drawbacks including inefficiency, hard to maintain and document, and not comprehensive. When you adopt a new approach though, you’ll experience many benefits such as:
Comprehensive and Self-Documenting
When you adopt a new approach to audit and control in enterprise software, you’ll have access to tools that can model, self-document, and govern all business activity and processes.
Single Authorization System
Since the primary control risk for enterprise software is the intersection of system and user, adopting a new approach will combine finance and HR into a single system creating an effective compliance environment for your organization.
Thanks to dramatic declines in storage costs, all system activity can now be kept permanently eliminating destructive software updates.
Thanks to computing power improvements, including controls to all processes without degrading system performance are now possible.
When you understand the importance of governance and control and recognize it should never be an afterthought, you’re ready to adopt a new approach to audit and control in enterprise software to reduce your risk and auditing costs.
If you want to learn more about audits and control in an enterprise software environment, click the link below for more information.