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In this era of sophisticated threats, organizations must embrace new technologies which can adapt to attackers’ tactics and techniques, and autonomously defend their email environment.

A self-learning approach to email security has become critical in the face of increasingly advanced and fast-changing threats.

The Traditional Approach to Email Security

Legacy security tools look at emails ‘in isolation’, without the context of an organization’s wider email patterns. These controls rely on historical knowledge of previously encountered attacks to spot the threats of today and tomorrow.

These ‘reputation checks’ cross-reference every email with a series of lists containing known ‘bad’ IPs, domains, and file hashes, and if there is a match the email is held back.

In addition, security teams often create static rules and policies to tailor these controls to their organization. This involves spending a lot of time scrolling through Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and updating their infrastructure to defend against known attacks.

Antigena Email: Asking the Right Questions

Antigena Email is the world’s first self-learning email security technology. Powered by AI, it represents a fundamentally new approach to email security in moving away from static rules and playbooks that seek to answer the question of ‘Is this email bad?’

Rather than looking at the data of an email alone and running it through pre-existing deny lists, Antigena Email looks at emails in their full context and instead asks: ‘Does this email belong?’

The technology analyzes thousands of data points for every email in the context of the sender, the recipient, and wider email traffic, looking at metrics including previous interactions, login locations, similar-looking domains, and behavioral anomalies.

Auto-Prioritization of Key Individuals

Antigena Email understands the human behind email communications, which means it can autonomously detect which users are high priority, which users are more likely to be targeted, and which users have access to sensitive material.

It will therefore take an appropriate response to different users, rather than a single response across the board.


Advancements in cloud computing have given rise to fast, resilient, dependable services hosted without hardware maintenance. Microsoft 365 has continued to thrive as organizations shift away from hosting their mail servers.