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The technology industry has been talking about observability for a long time now. From being touted as a trend, it has now become an integral practice in everyday operations. It allows teams and developers to understand what is happening with the help of metrics and logs. This information enables them to quickly gauge what issues might create a problem in their systems and rectify it swiftly.

With the help of this white paper, Splunk offers insights into how companies can incorporate observability into business operations for measurable business results. The whitepaper explores how the practice can be made into a core cultural value at workplaces to increase its leveraging power and value.


The whitepaper provides excellent insight into the roadmap can be. With the three pillars, events, metrics, and tracing, companies can get a more precise handle on achieving observability. It also gives great insight into two techniques to handle events intelligently. You will understand how to collect relevant data, de-spam, and add context to gain critical insights.

It also discusses the importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning for sophisticated analytics. Such technologies can allow you to understand and predict how your systems are going to work. This predictability level becomes especially important with real-time data to prevent and reduce any accidents that might negatively cost the business. Understanding and monitoring infrastructure, system, and web tracking metrics also become increasingly important for such practices to run most efficiently.

With observability practices in place, businesses have witnessed reduced false alerts, increased revenue by improved transaction processes, increased developer productivity, and faster resolution of critical business issues. Are you ready to optimize your business operations with observability?

Learn new ways to effectively deploy observability measures in your system with this Splunk whitepaper.