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How to Get Started with Mobile App Testing
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Mobile phones have come a long way since 1973 when the first mobile phone call was made at Motorola. In the 45 years since then, mobile phones have become miniaturized computers which happen to make phone calls. The applications in use today couldn’t have been fathomed in 2003, let alone 1973. Applications today utilize so much in terms of graphical interfaces, memory, and scripts. Before an application can be released and/or updated to a new version, it must go through rigorous testing.

There are many factors in the testing process, will this application be on just a single platform? (e.g. Android, iOS, etc.), or will it be on multiple platforms, will the application work on a multitude of networks? (LTE, CDMA, GSM, etc.) How will it be distributed? Will it be on the App Store? Downloadable on a website? These are all valid questions that developers ask when working on an application.

There are many different types of testing in the process of creating or updating an application. Interruption testing sees how the application fares during an interruption to the run process, such as phone calls, text messages, and network switches. Localization and Performance testing are also important to the application process as well as arguably the most important test of all and that is usability. All the bells and whistles don’t mean anything if it amounts to a poor experience at the user level due to poor usability.

Mobile App Testing is paramount in the world of application development and pCloudy.com has certified Professional Courses in testing mobile applications. Every single facet of mobile application testing is covered in the course. If you are a Developer looking for a great way to learn about mobile application testing, pCloudy has you covered with some of the best information available.