In today’s world, the network edge is taking on a significant role in connecting users to the digital content and web services they need. This process has enabled a new load balancing approach that begins at the edge of the network.
This network edge is known as edge-based global load balancing (GLB) and is powered by DNS. This approach pushes users to specific destination endpoints based on clearly defined technology-based policies. It is a primary part of the Federated Traffic Management strategy across enterprises.
GLB works either in silos or in an integrated manner with on-premise load balancing technologies. GLB is responsible for intelligent distribution at DNS or IP address level.
DNS based global load balancing sits at the edge, the point where users interacts with the internet.
So, how can you configure GLB?
It can be set up through policies and rules combined to create sophisticated load balancing strategies. Some of these policies include:
#1 Having user-determined ratios to enforce traffic balancing across a wider spectrum within the website.
#2 In case a single endpoint is not available, the request will go to a secondary endpoint. This is ensured through a robust resiliency policy.
#3 Geolocation is another policy that is based on the proximity of the asset to the user.
#4 Security policies avoid websites that are under attack. Alternatively, these sites are sometimes rerouted to healthy websites through available paths.
These are four high level policies that enterprises must take care of to ensure a solid traffic management strategy. As the internet continues to become the primary channel through which communication with customers is made possible, the role of DNS and GLB has never been more important.
For all the fine print on how GLB can be added to your federated management strategy, click the link below for more information.