The changes in the healthcare market to being consumer-centered has driven the need for transparency and patient safety. Healthcare data volume is growing tremendously and continues to grow. Data needs to be secured and protected and must be organized in order to improve.
The amount of data sources is at an all-time high due to personal health records, medical imaging, socioeconomic data, patient behavior data, electronic medical records, and social media, just to name a few. With the increasing amount of data, finding the right data, and data you can trust is becoming more and more complex. There are many challenges that arise when searching for data, such as definition, format, and location, all of which hinder data from being vital and useful.
Data governance makes storing data simpler by analyzing, organizing, measuring, and understanding your data easier and quicker. Transforming it into information to whoever needs it. Data governance ensures consistent and reliable information and the ability to access easy-to-understand reports, changing the stigma of data projects from being time-consuming to becoming rapid.
When finding data is no longer complex, it improves patient satisfaction and manages the cost of healthcare. Data governance can help healthcare organizations control costs for the current patient population, evaluate and improve patient outcomes, predict risk for preventative care, and anticipate future patients and their needs. Understandable data can be taken advantage of more frequently to improve your healthcare organization system.
With the fast pace of growth, governance keeps up with the pace of data and maintains data as healthcare changes. Keeping everyone in your enterprise on the same page. Governance allows organizations to identify meaningful data reports and even improve on their insights. Download the whitepaper to find out more on how you can get started making your systems more effective with data governance with Collibra.