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Appium TestNG Framework and Multi Device Automation Execution

With the advent of the internet and the rapid pace of technological growth within the smartphone industry, mobile applications are becoming all the rage. The OS has become almost secondary to the staggering amount of applications running within it. The need for quality application test automation has arrived with many testing applications on the developers market.

pCloudy.com has developed Appium that works within TestNG framework to achieve required testing of applications in development that most other testing apps can’t or won’t do. The testing that is required for an application to be compatible for iOS is tedious enough, that difficulty increases when that same application also needs to be compatible with Android. The next step in compatibility is workability within the OS itself, how does the application run within the framework?

Appium employs the latest tools, the Cloud, and multi-device compatibilities to run your application and test it on a staggering level of OS-device combinations. No application worth its salt will be available for purchase or download and then not being able to run on your phone. You’re just asking for angry customers and bad reviews which are both terrible, even worse is the bad word-of-mouth press to others about your poorly designed application. This is the power of having a quality application test automation as part of your developer’s toolbox.

pCloudy.com has a myriad of applications and testing solutions for all of your application development needs. Embrace the power of the Cloud and total compatibility with pCloudy.com.