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DNS Terminology
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As billions of users across the globe traverse the internet every single day, modern DNS capabilities are becoming increasingly more important. Commercial internet infrastructures now aim to give control to IT industry leaders as the scalability of the internet continues to increase.

DNS is a database that connects readable names to IP addresses which consist of numbers. So, when a user types in www.URL.com, it translates to a unique set of 12 number specific to that site.

DNS is the first step in accessing any online asset and it provides a central location to the decision where to send online traffic at any given time. With cloud and CDNs on the rise, DNS helps to get the right user to the right place in the right amount of time.

An understanding of the DNS process begins with an understanding of key terms including:

  • DDNS (Dynamic DNS) which is used mainly by home users to send dynamic IP address updates to a static hostname.
  • The endpoint which is the target location for the client – IP address or CNAME.
  • Primary DNS which means the DNS provider with control of zone file modification. Primary DNS is generally the first responder to DNS queries and is often complemented by Secondary DNS for redundancy and performance considerations.