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5 Steps to Shift to a Digital Workspace Strategy
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For years, Bring Your Own Device or BYO strategies have been the norm in many IT companies. However, the multiplicity of connected devices and applications has blurred the lines between “business use” and “personal use.”

To create a clear definition for BYO strategies, IT companies must develop a digital workspace strategy that manages users, devices, and applications on the same management platform, regardless of who owns the device.

Bigger than any single technology, software, or platform, a digital workspace strategy enables IT departments and companies to shift from standardization and asset management and focus on:

  •  Empowering employees to take advantage of self-service engagement.
  •  Offering consumer-friendly and rugged device experiences.
  •  Improving access to modern cloud-based applications.

Creating this employee-first strategy can be done with 5 steps:

1. Manage Applications, Not Devices

Common principles of management are applied to applications rather than devices. While a BYO strategy is focused on device management, a digital workspace shifts to providing a consistent employee-first experience.

2. Leverage Modern Management of PCs and Macs

Supporting BYO devices from a digital workspace platform isn’t limited to just phones, but it extends to operating systems as well. No matter where employees are or what device they use, they can tap into resources as needed if a standard OS system is in place.

3. Embrace SaaS Applications

The software-as-a-service (SaaS) model has revolutionized application access management. Making use of SaaS apps, whether on the web or cloud-based, is a key component of your digital workspace strategy.

4. Encrypt and Wipe Sensitive Information, Including Email

Managing data that consists of an increasing number of endpoints is a major part of maintaining security. With a digital workspace strategy, you can get ahead of data security concerns by simply encrypting all sensitive data.

5. Host Windows Applications on Secure Servers to Keep Data Off Endpoints

A BYO device approach controls devices, but leaves applications on their own, resulting in unsecured data collecting on endpoints. Therefore, in your digital workplace strategy, make sure you host OS applications on secure servers.

Organizations are shifting from traditional approaches and embracing a more flexible, streamlined strategy that is built to support digital transformation. This shift will be in alignment with the robust digital transformation strategies of your company.

If you want to find out more about the best ways to make the shift to a digital workspace, click the link below for more information.