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5 Reasons the SaaS Revolution Needs a Unified Content Strategy
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When it comes to content strategy and content management systems, the conversation surrounding these topics would not be complete without at least a brief discussion of content silos.

ECM platforms were introduced in the 1990s and 2000s to solve one process pain point, but organizations soon discovered that they had multiple content repositories without any sense of compatibility or consistency.

The introduction of SaaS platforms has afforded many organizations the opportunity to cut costs and induce flexibility within their processes. While most SaaS platforms are implemented with very little help from IT, restrictive agreements are done away with.

SaaS process solutions offer a new content platform that is agile and scalable and helps to solve the content silo problem.

So, how can you harness the benefits of a SaaS-based system?

The answer lies in having a cloud-based content management system along with a strategy for ensuring unified content:

Here are 5 reasons the SaaS revolution needs a unified content strategy:

#1 The content that is required by a SaaS application cannot be found in a silo. A single purpose SaaS platform can serve as a unified place for collecting information and collaborating throughout the organization.

#2 Even if it is a SaaS application, there are legal and compliance matters that are still associated with such a platform. Handling these matters well should be factored into the process.

#3 It is not necessary to provide an individual license to every creator or contributor on the team to access the SaaS application. If most of the work is done outside of the platform, the need for everyone to have a license is eliminated.

#4 The reason change management usually happens is because of a staggered approach to employee collaboration, which is totally inconsistent and chaotic.

#5 The best way to optimize the performance of a SaaS application or solution is by having a unified content strategy that easily integrates with the knowledge base that creators have.

There is a lot more information about why a unified content strategy is needed through an SaaS-based environment, and if you click the link below, you will be able to find that information.