5 Reasons Enterprises Need a New Access Model
Hi! My name is Justin.
As an IT professional, I get approached all the time by companies wondering if adopting a new access model is best for the needs of their company. To help your organization gain a better understanding of why you need to adopt a new access model, keep these five reasons in mind.
Reason 1) Growing Partner/Third-Party Ecosystems
Organizations today increasingly rely on partners, contractors, suppliers, franchisees, and other third parties to drive the business forward. The major problem with this is that these partners are accessing enterprise applications from outside the enterprise network making it imperative that your organization put a number of outside-to-inside access rules in place in the perimeter firewalls to allow these partners to connect to the applications and resources they need.
Reason 2) Taming the Mobility Explosion
Over the last 15 years, enterprises have tried to deal with the issues of mobility growth and bring your own device by extending trust to mobile devices. These “extend the perimeter” strategies have led to greater workloads on IT, greater complexity, and because complexity is the enemy of security, have actually weakened security measures. With the growing number of Internet-enabled devices, your organization needs an access model in place that does not rely on an assumption of a trusted device.
Reason 3) Challenges of Cloudification
Because of cloudification, your enterprise needs a better solution for users to reach applications and for IT departments to manage access policy and security in a way that is agnostic to the location of the application. It’s imperative that your access architectures move to a model that eliminates infrastructure dependencies between the users and resources.
Reason 4) Adopting a Zero-Trust Model
By adopting a zero-trust model rather than bringing users inside the network to access applications and data, you create a model that selectively brings applications out to meet users instead of the other way around. With the exception of administrative access, when you adopt new access architectures that create a broad separation between users and applications. your organization doesn’t ever have to let anyone inside the network it doesn’t already trust.
Reason 5) SaaSification of IT Applications
While SaaS adoption in enterprises is growing quickly, the sheer number of private and specialized applications running in enterprises today rules out the idea that all apps will move to SaaS anytime soon. Even so, it’s essential that your organization adopt a new access architecture that meets the expectations of users and delivers private applications as simple as if they were SaaS applications with the same level of protection these applications require.
To address these 5 fundamental changes, your organization needs a new architecture for providing access to its private applications. Whether running inside a private data center or in a public cloud computing environment, your private applications need to be delivered to partners, contractors, and customers with greater security and simplicity than existing access methods provide.
If you want to learn more about the five reasons enterprises need a new access model, click the link below for more information.