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5 Considerations for Changing Your ECM Strategy with CCM

As digital transformation forces your business to rethink how collaboration and process occur across your extended enterprise, the definitions of back office and front office begin to blur. As this transformation continues, it is important to get more value out of your content, while also addressing modern security and regulatory requirements. Business processes in the digital age require a new strategy to accommodate the new mobile, highly agile processes of this new age.

This is one reason it is now necessary to transform your ECM strategy with cloud content management, CCM. It can be difficult, though, to know how to go about modernizing you content management approach to support business goals and rapidly changing business processes. Before you get started on changing your enterprise content management, ECM, strategy, it is essential to keep a few considerations in mind.

BOX, along with TechTarget, has compiled an informative whitepaper that not only outlines these considerations but explains how they can help you achieve a revised content management strategy for your business. Learn more about changing your ECM strategy with CCM in this comprehensive whitepaper.