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3 Daunting Challenges IT Leaders Face with Data and the Cloud
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IT leaders are increasingly looking to modernize enterprise computing to the cloud. In a way, they prefer to do more with less.

Making the switch will improve a host of things including protection from cyberattacks and stability of workloads. But to deliver transformational change, both existing and new applications must be included.

IT leaders are caught in what appears to be a tough situation: business may demand more real-time data and agility while IT budgets stay flat. Leaders are facing 3 daunting challenges to overcome:

  • Transforming their existing estate to a Cloud-Computing model to do more with less and be more agile. This will allow significant cost savings and faster development to be achieved while both existing and new applications are moved to the cloud.
  • Attacks from hostile nation-states from the outside and rogue employees from the inside. IT departments must now enlist sophisticated partners and adopt technologies that deliver higher levels of security than in the past, as global threats increase.
  • Mission-critical systems in the cloud must deliver guaranteed uptime. Major financial and reputational ruin exists when critical applications experience downtime. IT leaders must work to ensure the cloud architecture they adopt can handle such threats to availability, software and hardware failures, and maintenance to natural disasters.

With these three challenges in mind, IT leaders need a new approach to managing data in a cloud environment. Performance, security, and availability are at the center of cloud-centric world.

If you want to know more about how to overcome challenges involved in channelling data through the cloud, click the link below for more information.