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3 Crucial Warning Signs Your Business Is Being Held Back by Disconnected Data
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Each day, millions of people in business use a wide range of products and apps to gather and disseminate customer information and financial data between parties. Such apps are critically important for sales and accounting professionals.

However, as a business grows, it may find itself faced with a major issue: disconnected data.

The answer to such an issue can be summed up in one word: Cloud. A cloud-based accounting solution can help leaders manage the competing masses of information and see things as they are in order to make the best decisions possible.

Putting such a system in place will allow you to answer a more important question: What does my customer really want?

If you want to know when it is time to move your important customer and financial information to the cloud, here are three warning signs to watch out for:

#1 Your team wastes time trying to connect data from different products and apps.

One thing all managers want is the latest information on each customer. However, often, a considerable amount of time is spent on collating and analyzing data from multiple sources across different products and apps making it harder to pull together the right information at the right time.

#2 Your sales and financial teams spend hours working on the wrong things.

When data is collected at multiple entry points, sales and accounting teams have to enter such information at each point through which it is obtained. This can cause teams to spend a tremendous amount of time manually inputting information, taking away from productivity.

#3 Your team struggles to collaborate on the latest customer information.

A major bottleneck is redundant processes that prevent managers from working together with their teams and with other departments. If there is a lack of collaboration among team members, employees will likely be making changes to a wide range of documents involving customer data and risk making mistakes or remembering to update.

If you move the information of accounting and sales from multiple products and apps into a cloud-based solution, you will reduce mistakes, boost scalability, and increase team productivity.