What Contingent Workforce Management Looks Like
The contingent workforce is a major part of our everyday lives, whether you are a business owner, homeowner, or manager. We can’t do everything ourselves, so at times we need someone who can. A contingent workforce is comprised of non-employee people hired on-demand. Such as independent contractors, freelancers, and more. It is a person, or group of people, that you hire for a project and they are paid per piece. Contingent workforce management, therefore, is managing a firm or company’s contingent workforce.
With all the technological innovations in today’s workforce, where does the contingent workforce fit in anymore? Some might think it is becoming obsolete. But it is, in fact, the opposite. The contingent workforce is imperative to the work life today. This workforce has actually DOUBLED since 2010! As this has been happening, so has our reliance on this group. Your talent is what sets you apart from others. As a non-employee worker, you have these sought-after skills for growth, development, agility, etc. Due to the gig economy, companies are becoming more project-based and therefore are looking for the skills of the contingent workforce.
So, what does contingent workforce look like today?
Creating options to work online
Previously we would meet up with independent contractors or others in person and work on projects. But with the specific skills that are now necessary for each project most cannot afford to fly someone around the world to work on a project. This is why the majority of companies now use the internet to have meetings with their non-employee workers.
Increasing employee wellness
With the very high demand for independent workers, it is easy for the contingent workforce to get worn out. Because of this, there is a very large majority of businesses that are investing in their employee wellness. Such as healthy snacks, standing desks, and in some cases, wearing Fitbits to keep track of their health.
Digital learning
Providing classes to the contingent workforce is another way that organizations are catering to the talent and skills they are looking for. By offering these courses, they are giving others the opportunity to improve and become more valuable.
The contingent workforce is now so sought-after that businesses are trying to cater to their every need. This is a huge difference compared to 7 years ago when the number of contingent workers was half of what it is now. There is so much more information you need to know about what contingent workforce management looks like and you can find those insights in this whitepaper.