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How to become the Recruiting Star of Your Organization
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Being in recruitment today is vastly different from being in recruitment a decade ago.

Today’s recruiter isn’t just an “HR guy” anymore. A recruiter must also play the role of the company’s marketer and salesperson, selling the company and workplace culture to top talent.

The methods by which this is done and the expectations set by candidates has been preceded by technology and the often virtual way we interact with each other. Because of this, the job of a recruiter is just more challenging.

If you are a recruiter and want to find and keep hold of top talent, here are a few suggestions on how to do that:

1) Know your company inside out

Find the pain points that drive your organization and then define your short-term goals and challenges that you currently face. If you can clearly define your operational objectives, it will be much easier to achieve them. This must be part of your long-term strategy. However, having short-term goals will help you to achieve long-term goals.

2)  Prepare according to your goals

Once you have identified all of the long-term and short-term goals of your organization, check whether you have the right tools and talents in your own recruiting team. It may so happen that you have some recruiting to do for your own team before you help others with their recruiting strategy.

3) Draft an excellent onboarding strategy

The way you welcome your new hires is just as important as who the new hires are. The more welcomed they feel, the better they will work and the longer they will stay.

Recruiters are both project managers and equal opportunity advocates. They must wear many hats, often at the same time. Leveraging existing talent is critically important to building a solid pipeline and nurturing potential talent.

As the role evolves and becomes much bigger and more complex than simply recruiting people to meet a need, you too will need to evolve with it. Establishing succession planning with talent-based and predictive analysis and tapping into the skills that already exist can put you on a faster track to seeing results.

If you want to know more about the changing landscape of recruitment, click the link below for more information.